Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 1 & 2

Hello Everyone,

Two days ago, I went with my host mom Marta and my host sister Ana to the center of the city of Saragossa to the police station because I have to apply for my residency card. We went there waited on line for a half an hour, then got some papers at the desk, then filled them out, then had a meeting with one of the people there to process my paperwork. Then we went to the "centro commercial", the mall. We looked around a little bit then my host mom and I got our haircut. The hair stylist cut my hair and showed me popular styles that boys do their hair here. We then went to the "supermercado", the grocery store to buy food for the house. We then went home. I walked and fed Tinkel then we all went to Marta's friend Christina's house in central Saragossa at about 9:30 pm. I met Christina and her husband and Marta's other friend and her son. We had a HUGE 6 course dinner and it was all so good! It was a great evening and I had a lot of fun. Christina is extremely funny! I learned a lot that night because the 8 of us talked for hours which helped me get used to hearing words with the accent here and the speed at which they speak. We returned home at about 2 am. I then video chatted with my mom in New York until about 4 am.

Yesterday, I went with my host mother and sister to the center city. When we parked the car, my host mother went to work at the school to get ready for the school year and my host sister Ana and I went to the college and signed me up to take the placement test for my classes. We then went to the store to pick up a part for the vacuum. After that, we walked to my host father's mother's house. I met my host Grandma "Yaya" and cousin Maria who is 12. Then, all of us went to a "tienda" or store called "El Corte Ingles" which is like Macy's. It was huge! It had 6 floors. There, we met my host uncle, Alberto and his girlfriend and her two daughters. Alberto has two sons of his own but I haven't met them yet. Then the 8 of us went to a restaurant where we met Alberto's girlfriend's father, brother, and niece. Then Ana, Maria, and I went to Maria's house for a little bit where I met Maria's father, sister, and her sister's friend. Maria's sister is 21. Ana, Maria, and I went back to Yaya's house for lunch. We had bread, green beans, potatoes, steak, french fries, peaches, grapes, and yogurt. Maria, Ana, and I watched "Next", "Parental Control", and "My Super Sweet 16" on MTV, all in spanish of course. After lunch, Ana and I said goodbye and met Marta at a clothing store nearby. Then we stopped at a bakery and went home. We relaxed, ate dinner, and watched an american western movie in spanish. Also, before bed Ana and I watched "The Simpsons" which is very popular with kids here. It was a long, crazy day and I met so many people!

Until next time, Brian


  1. How much spanish did you know when you first arrived in Spain?

  2. Hey Sam, Sorry for my late response. When I first arrived I spoke a little bit of Spanish but not much, I knew the basics. I took Spanish class in school from 7th - 10th grade but then did not use it or have another class until I went on exchange after my senior year in high school. Thanks for checking out my blog!
