Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Parque Grande Adventure

Hello Everyone,

On Saturday, October 29th, I went to “Parque Grande” by myself to hang out and explore a bit. “Parque Grande” or “Big Park” (What an original name. HA!) is Zaragoza’s version of New York’s Central Park. It is an enormous park in the middle of the city with endless walking trails, gardens, forest, monuments, and fountains. I walked around the park, took a lot of pictures, and rode a go-cart-esque bike. It looked like a go-cart but you ride it like a bike in that you pedal for it to go.  It was also a special event day in the park. There was an “NBA On-Tour” exhibition which was really cool! After a few hours in the park, I left because it was getting dark and walked around the city a little bit. I enjoyed just hanging out and exploring the city a bit on my own. I hope everyone is doing well, enjoy the pictures below!
Until next time, Brian

1 comment:

  1. Incredible photos!I can see that you captured each and every moment. You are looking very happy in photos. Keep it up! Cheers!
    honeymoon in italy
