Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Holiday Scout Camp

Hello Everyone,

From December 26th through the 29th, I went with my entire scout group up to their camp in the Pirennes Mountains for their winter camping trip. It was in a pueblo called Villanua. My scout troop here includes scouts from 6 years old all the way to scouts in theirs 20s. There were two full coach buses that took us up to the camp. Throughout the entire weekend, we participated in games, team activities, leader training exercises, self-reflection, and hiking. On the 28th, I went with my scout patrol on a day hike in the mountains for about 4 hours which was absolutely beautiful! We hiked to a waterfall where a few scouts in my patrol were daring enough to go for a swim! After everyone dried off and warmed up. We started to hike back down the mountain. At the end of the hike, we came across an old abandoned military fort that looks over the entire valley where we were. We went inside and explored a bit which was very cool but also a little spooky because we didn't know what we would find. After exploring the fort, we went back to the scout van and went to France to play in the snow! We were very close to France, only about a 25 minute drive.

Once we arrived at 'Sant Pau' in France, we ate the lunches we had packed then played in the snow for about 2-1/2 hours. I had a blast sledding, snowboarding, and playing in the snow with my scout troop. It was definitely the highlight of the trip for me. That night back at the camp, there was a campfire type program with songs and skits. My patrol and I dressed up as thieves ans put on a skit. I was also selected for a joke. I stood up in front, the scout leaders put a funnel in the waist of my pants and a coin on my forehead. They told me that I had to try to get the coin into the funnel without using my hands. While I was trying to do so, they poured a pitcher of water into the funnel which of course went into my pants. I definitely wasn't expecting it but it was all in good fun! On the morning of the 29th, we had a closing ceremony, reflected on the weekend, and took pictures. We then packed up camp, loaded the buses, and headed back to Zaragoza.

It was a great weekend and I had an amazing time. I really enjoyed it because I was able to hang out with and get to know the rest of the scouts in Okapi, not only my patrol. Enjoy the photos below!

Until next time, Brian

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